Thanks to all the incredible volunteers and chefs – Craig Sewell of A Cook’s Café and several of our own board members – who made this such a memorable dinner and evening. Thanks also to the generous donors and patrons of our silent auction. We were able to raise much needed funds for expanding the […]
Thank you for all your interest and ticket orders! We’re thrilled and grateful to have reached capacity for our biggest fundraiser yet.
Click on the link below to order your ticket today! This elegant dinner will be held at the beautiful Community & Giving garden location at Hollywood Farm in the St. Margaret’s area of Annapolis, and a garden tour will be provided. Casual shoes and attire are recommended. Once your order form has been submitted, a […]
Save the Date! Grow Annapolis will host a Farm-to-Table dinner and silent auction fundraiser at the beautiful Hollywood Farm in St. Margaret’s, site of our newest community and giving gardens. All locally sourced food, including vegetables from our very own gardens will be served. Details and instructions to purchase tickets to be posted here by mid-August, […]