Giving Gardens at Hollywood Farm
A new project for Grow Annapolis this year, the Giving Gardens at Hollywood Farm are devoted to raising food to give to area food pantries and shelters. With seven Giving Garden beds currently in production, we have been harvesting squash, eggplant, cucumbers, beans, okra, spaghetti squash and watermelons for both the Lighthouse Shelter and Asbury Methodist Church.
Our first delivery of summer squash was made to the Lighthouse Shelter in mid-July and we were delighted to learn the many ways in which this produce was put to use. Students from their B.E.S.T. Culinary program practiced their cutting skills, learned ways to cook the produce and then served it to their clients. They are pictured here with Chef Linda who runs the program, and Grow board members Dalyn Huntley and Kevin Gautrey, after taking a tour of the gardens. Our produce also was made available to participants of their Power up your Pantry program, customers of their food pantry as well as the pantry at Asbury Methodist.
We plan to continue providing produce to the Lighthouse Shelter and area churches throughout the summer and into the fall. Volunteers are needed to grow, maintain and harvest the vegetables at the Hollywood Farms Site, in the St. Margaret’s Road area of Annapolis. Please contact us at if you’re interested in volunteering for one of our work party days.
Grow Annapolis is fond of saying “we grow more than food” when we take part in community gardening. But growing food is an important part of what we do, especially when we can help those who would not otherwise benefit from Grow Annapolis’s bounty at Hollywood Farm.