Bowen’s Farm Supply Inc

2550 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401-7466
(410) 224-3340

Huge supply of garden and farm supplies. Good place to go for the hard to find supplies you may need for your garden. Great people and family owned.

Stevens Hardware

142 Dock Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1868
(410) 263-3390

Great local hardware store near the Annapolis City Dock. Convenient place to pick up tools and supplies. Great people and family owned.

Garman Bros Lumber Inc

1270 River Rd, Crownsville, MD 21032
(410) 987-4600

Perfect place to pick up rough sawn hardwood for raised beds and mulch. Affordable and a better product then the fir you will find at the big box stores. Great people and a family owned business.


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