Join the Grow Annapolis Flickr Group and add your own photos of the Grow Annapolis City Dock Community Garden in Downtown Annapolis. We know there are lots of pictures out there and can’t wait to see some of the great stuff that has been taken.
Now that the City Dock Community Garden has been established in Downtown Annapolis, we are reinstating our Tuesday Night Grow Annapolis Meetings. Much is happening this coming year, including several new community gardens and urban ag projects, so please let us know if you would like grow with us. If you would like to join […]
See what’s growing in Downtown Annapolis at the Grow Annapolis City Dock Community Garden.
Grow Annapolis had a great night at the Saving Seeds Event, put on by the good people at DC’s Neighborhood Farm Initiative. If you are not familiar with the Neighborhood Farm Initiative’s work, they provide educational resource for gardening and small scale organic food production for DC-area residents. This takes the form of gardening educational […]